• OPFFA - L162

    – Jean Lalonde

  • OPFFA - L162

    – Jean Lalonde

  • OPFFA - L162

  • OPFFA - L162

    – Jean Lalonde

  • OPFFA - L162

    – Jean Lalonde

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Not forgotten: Captain Hervé Cyr. Died in the Line of Duty - October 17, 2005 ... See MoreSee Less

Not forgotten: Captain Hervé Cyr. Died in the Line of Duty - October 17, 2005

Does your airport have the proper firefighting resources in an emergency?

Look for the CBC Newfoundland & Labrador story below to learn about the push for safety at Canada's airports and share this post to tell Transport Canada to recognize M-96.

It's time to bring the Canadian Aviation Regulations up to ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization standards.

Safety can't wait!

Votre aéroport a-t-il des ressources suffisantes pour lutter contre un incendie en cas d’urgence?

Lisez l’article de la CBC de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador ci-dessous pour en apprendre davantage au sujet des pressions faites en vue d’accroître la sécurité dans les aéroports canadiens et partagez cette publication pour exiger que Transports Canada a reconnaisse la M-96.

Il est temps de mettre le Règlement de l'aviation canadien au niveau des normes de l’Organisation de l’aviation civile internationale (OACI).
... See MoreSee Less

Not forgotten: Captain Leslie McBride. Died in the Line of Duty - October 15, 2020 ... See MoreSee Less

Not forgotten: Captain Leslie McBride. Died in the Line of Duty - October 15, 2020

Not forgotten: Fire Investigator Richard Mason. Died in the Line of Duty - October 14, 2013 ... See MoreSee Less

Not forgotten: Fire Investigator Richard Mason. Died in the Line of Duty - October 14, 2013
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